Monday, August 22, 2011

of notebook's and willow trees

Ammon (brother) brought me to realize something... I attach. I like a movie, book, actor, person's clothes, spot on the creek, etc. and so I watch, read, stalk, go, etc. again and again and again. Don't believe me? Well sweety, I watched this movie 8 times in 4 nights. No, I have no intentions to marry Noah. Noah and Allie are too cute together. I'm just marrying the movie, The Notebook.

P.S. I painted a picture of a willow tree while I was camping in... well, in a trailer park. But couldn't a trailer park be slightly romantic?


Neil and Roxy said...

oh Brynn, I love how you have such a free spirit! And I have to agree the notebook is one of the best movies ever!

Madison said...

Oh! I can't even go a day without quoting this movie! It is so good! Don't worry my friend, I attach, too. Maybe even worse than you...