Wednesday, December 22, 2010

what i'd become.

Sound of rhythm and the sound of drums, People couldn't believe what I'd become.
I'm in Arizona for my Grandpa's funeral. I have bunches upon bunches of family here and I don't seem to fit anywhere at all. After the funeral I walked around outside the church singing and pretended I was in a music video. As surprising as this is, I am very clingy to my mom when I'm in Arizona. My siblings hate me and when I'm alone where there's lots of people around I need someone with me. I've ruined all love on the Jones side. It sometimes seems like there's still some there with some of the Aunts but none with my Nana and it makes me kinda sad. It's like everyone is so disappointed with me. I always bring myself to Arizona and they seem not to approve. They can't believe what I've become.
We were with the Hallsted side all day today. I could listen to Aunt Karen talk for hours! She's so layed back and such a Hallsted! So down to earth and... like a little ol' british lady or something. Fetch, obviously I'm suddenly very fond of her.
Two people complemented me on my Llama Sweater when I wore it to the Mesa Temple:)

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