Tuesday, May 3, 2011

with drops of Jupiter in her hair

Now that she's back in the atmosphere
With drops of Jupiter in her hair, hey, hey
She acts like summer and walks like rain
Reminds me that there's time to change, hey, hey
Since the return from her stay on the moon
She listens like spring and she talks like June, hey, hey

My mother just said this to my brother, and I quote, "you need to stop wearing shoes." and now, I am finally convinced that she is my real mother. I've never been more proud of her. Ah, she's just growin' up so fast.

So, I was at the Highland library (it doesn't actually have the decency to be called a library- I have more books then them losers!) and this little group of scouts were sitting behind me and there was one boy little boy... he was sitting in a couch chair, away from the group, and he was reading a book instead of hearing about how to do something scout-ish. I was very intrigued by this kid and, if I knew who he was, I'd stalk him every once in a while and see what he grows up to be. It's all very exciting, isn't it? I know he'd be a good kid who reads all through his classes, who likes to read rather than talk sometimes. I just know he would be full of ideas.

My mother just told me that, oh yes, 'and I quote', "You know who you remind me of, Brynnie? The girl from Ever After." Man, am I just lovin' my mother even more? The part of Danielle from Ever After that is most like me is when she freaks out at Marguerite and punches her in the face. Yup, well, and the swimming part in the water. But I could never lie to Henry that long cause... I'm not the greatest at keeping secrets... right, guys?

 "How do you do it?" 
"Live each day with this kind of passion. Don't you find it exhausting?" 
"Only when I am around you. Why do you like to irritate me so?"
"Why do you rise to the occasion?"


Madison said...

What is that last part of your quote from? I swear I've heard it before!!

Brynnie said...

Haw haw, it's from Ever After.